Ritual starts in T-Minus

What is it?

At Nuclear Winter Wonderland everyone has an opportunity to do something they love, and/or get out of their comfort zone. Want to build/make in timber or circuits or steel or scraps? Let’s do it, your idea sounds great. Perform? Go nuts, here’s the stage. Be a roadie? Welcome to the team. Cook? Excellent, let’s get you set up. A brewer? Here’s how to enter your home brew in the competition. Play games? Here’s a space, can we play? Be a bar tender for a night? There’s the bar, invent me a cocktail. Dress up or not dress up? All good, you look great. Teach others? We’re keen, run a workshop. Invent a whole alter ego and hecking LIVE that character for three whole days? Aye aye, Captain CuddlePuddle. Be quiet and just soak it all up under a blankie in a hammock? Of course, buddy, here’s a beverage for you.

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